Monday, February 8, 2010

How do I paint concrete or clay pots for outside? I want to faux paint them in dark brown tones.?

What color combinations do I use to get a dark brown mediterranean rustic look?How do I paint concrete or clay pots for outside? I want to faux paint them in dark brown tones.?
You can use either Patio paints available at Michaels craft stores in burnt umber and sienna or Concrete paint by Olympic from the home improvement stores in the same color combinations. If you paint on terra cota clay pots you have to seal it or the paint will peel. There is a terra cota pot sealer available, but it is hard to find (I got it at the ceramic shop in my neighborhood on special order.) The patio paints come with a sealer, but I've had to re-apply it and it yellowed on some pieces. So I tried concrete sealer and had more success.

I like to use old socks, sponges or terry cloth toweling as my applicators, and spritz with water to blend the colors.

Fun project!How do I paint concrete or clay pots for outside? I want to faux paint them in dark brown tones.?
If you're going to use these out of doors and exposed to the weather, you'll need paint designed for outdoor use. I had some I painted in a bronze metallic color and some in copper, then lightly sprayed a flat chocolate brown over them. Before they dried, I took a sponge and wiped it off here and there leaving a glimmer of the metallic showing thru. To give it an aged patina, I let them dry and randomly dabbed on some olive drab and lighter (sage, I think) green that my husband used to camouflage something. I filled them with cast iron plants and was really pleased with the look. The green gives them a weathered look like moss is forming on them.
Use exterior wood staings, lights, darks..apply with sponge to get look you want. Mottle here, there, wipe here, there..practice makes perfect.
first if they are clay pots give them a couple of coats of PVA.... no.1 it will seal your pots inside and out and prevent them from cracking in winter if you use acrylic paints either from art shop or hardware shop that will stay on in any weather...for a nice dark rich brown mix red and black till you get the right shade and even add some orange to it..depending on what colour you want

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